Welcome to Easton’s Science Laboratory!

Scientist Easton is 9! Easton’s science themed birthday party was explosively fun! It was wonderful to celebrate our hilarious, creative, kind hearted, sweet-toothed, lacrosse-loving scientist! Even though we had to dodge a few raindrops during his party, seeing the joy on Easton’s face as he spent the afternoon with so many of his wonderful friends made it all totally worth it. He is so lucky to be surrounded by so much love and friendship. I created a fun video of the day, too!

I’m sure you already know how much I love designing and creating unique details for each party we host. These added little touches make the party so special! Over the years we have had so many fun and memorable birthday parties. If you’d like to take a trip down memory lane with me you can see a bunch of Easton’s past birthday parties here… his art party, carnival party, drive-in movie party, water park party, party animal party, etc. But I must admit, this one ranks as one of my all-time favorites!

Science Party Decorations
All of the party printable designs from this celebration are available in my Just Add Confetti Etsy Shop. You can see them all HERE. I’ve created several different listings in my shop so you can choose which ones work best for your celebration. I hope you can use them for a fun celebration with your family and friends.

Science Party Food
We had a lot of fun coming up with creative party themed foods at our mad scientist party! From the petri dish candy jello, frog dissection gummies, and “science rocks” rock candy, to the chips, cupcakes and cotton candy…it was a blast!

Science Experiments and Activities
All of the little scientists at the party really enjoyed the “make a molecule” activity that we did as well as an explosively fun show from Mad Science Pittsburgh. Our mad scientist demonstrated a bunch of cool experiments like a homemade lava lamp, potato shooter, and elephant toothpaste. Then all of our party goer scientists made their own bouncy balls to take home.

I hope you enjoyed our science birthday party and it has inspired you to create your own! Looking for other birthday party ideas? I’ve got you covered! Check out more of our party themes and ideas HERE!

If you throw a mad scientist birthday party I’d love to see it! Please follow along on Instagram and tag me. I love connecting with all of you and seeing your awesome celebrations!

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